Name and basic stats: Connie Itchon | Age 43 | Height 5’5 | Weight 126 ( on “good” days)
Connie Itchon is the owner of the Ripped Goddess fitness community – a community that started as a way for women of like minds to meet with other women. Women who wanted not just to LOOK good – but to FEEL amazing! To feel strong, capable, fast, healthy and whatever being the best version of themselves looked like in the mirror.
What started as a simple idea to aspire to inspire at least ONE person a day has now turn into one of the largest and most interactive online fitness communities to date.
Q: How did you get started in your own training, fitness and what keeps you motivated?
A: I have been into fitness for over twenty years, mostly cardio, but three years ago, I timidly decided to walk into a strength training class and halfway through thought I would lose my breakfast. For some reason, this made me come back again and again until I mastered the class. The feeling of being physically challenged and pushing myself towards a goal was so empowering. It’s still what keeps me motivated to this day. I’m always looking for the next big challenge.
Q: You talk about your children on your website and FaceBook page – how many do you have?
A: I have three beautiful daughters… a twenty-three year old, a nine year old and a seven year old. They are my pride, joy and heart. They’re also the reason why I need to leave the house to work out!
Q: How do you juggle family and fitness on a daily basis.
A: I don’t! That’s the most honest answer; I don’t work out on a daily basis. I schedule at least four workouts through the week and I stick to the schedule, otherwise things get out of whack. My children are my priority and you’ll see that in the summer when they’re out of school, my workout schedule changes to accommodate their activities. I still get in my fitness time, but it comes second to their needs.
Q: What does your training schedule look like?
Mondays –Tabata training or CrossFit
Tuesdays Cardio ( treadmill, stairmill, row machine)
Wednesdays – Legs and abs
Thursdays –Total body conditioning workout
Friday off
Saturday – Upper body/HIIT
Q. Was anyone a strong source of inspiration for you when you first started your fitness journey?
A. I was inspired from many directions and sources that lead me to my own fitness journey. I would say that the catalyst was my mother’s passing. My mother was a vibrant, passionate person and to literally watch her take her last breath is a constant reminder to me to never take anything for granted and to cherish the ability to be strong and healthy.
Also, women ( and now MEN aka Warriors) who I’ve met along the way as the Ripped Goddess community has grown have inspired me GREATLY. I never realized how many absolutely beautiful women we have out there who have overcome obstacles, have transformed their lives and who are the epitome of what a Ripped Goddess is – being the best version of yourself. Those women inspire me daily. When I feel tired, frustrated and unmotivated to train – its very often that the Ripped Goddess community inspired ME. I can’t thank them enough for that.
Q. Is there any fitness/health advice you would like to share with others based on your own experiences or on those around you?
A. Your fitness journey is and always will be your own. People will voice negative and positive opinions, but the most important voice that you need to pay attention to is your own. Your “self-talk” is what’s going to get you through that last rep or mile or minute. So make sure that voice of yours is the biggest and loudest cheerleader ever!
Q. Is there anything else you’d like to leave the readers with?
A. Thank you for allowing me to share a little of myself with your readers and hopefully with the RGs. I can never properly articulate how grateful I am that my little page has somehow resonated with so many. I’m honored.
My purpose for creating Ripped Goddess has always been to provide a place for people who are passionate about living a healthy, fit, positive lifestyle to get together and talk and to share. Now that we’ve grown into a movement…its time to MOVE!
Be on the lookout for some IN PERSON events. I can’t wait to meet all of the incredibly inspiring RGs in person- I’ll be looking for some fist bumps! 🙂
- Ripped Goddess
FFFC: You can find Ripped Goddess across these social media channels! Subscribe, LIKE, or follow. I promise you won’t regret it!
4 Replies to "In The Gym with Connie of Ripped Goddess"
Lindsay March 20, 2014 (9:27 am)
Love your interviews! This is great I am checking out her website now!
DSTPRL March 20, 2014 (11:07 am)
She is awesome!!
Sonya K March 22, 2014 (10:20 pm)
Great interview and Connie looks amazing.
DSTPRL March 23, 2014 (8:22 am)
Sonya K – Connie is amazing. I stay motivated when I visit her fan page.