You know I love joining my fellow fitness and running bloggers for the Friday Five themed link ups. It is a lot of fun and helps me really think through why I do this fitness thing. You can link up with them too.
This link up is sponsored by Courtney from Eat Pray Run, DC, Cynthia from You Signed Up For What? and Mar from Mar on the Run! Their fitness and running blogs are amazing so make sure you head on over and check them out.
Today’s theme is “This Summer I Will” so let me get to it.
- Run outside more – I slacked BIG TIME when it came to my running because the weather here in Maryland was HORRIBLE. We had snow and a major polar vortex so needless to say – all that inclimate weather made it impossible to run outside without risking a fall on black ice.
- Go to the gym – my personal trainer was out on maternity leave and NOW she is back as of the first week in June so back to Brick Bodies I go for 30 minutes of challenging workouts. YAY….I think.
- Go on vacation – the hubster and I are looking at going to Cancun, Mexico for a little rest and relaxation together but I need to find a nice adult’s only resort. If you know of any nice places please leave a suggestion in comments.

Photo source:
- Tape more videos for my blog Femme Fitale Fit Club on my YouTube channel (feel free to subscribe – shameless plug). I started doing more videos recently and found out I actually have fun making videos so I plan to incorporate more fitness vids into my blog posts on various subjects. I am also excited about starting Femme Fitale TV which is basically Google Hangout On Air Live interviews. I did one already and enjoyed it so much – that I want to do more.
- Grow my garden – I am very excited about planting my own patio garden. I planted green bell pepper, red lettuce, raddichio, sweet cherry tomatoes, basil, oregano, rosemary, mint and thyme. Check out that video here. What are you growing in your garden?
28 Replies to "Friday Five: This Summer I Will"
Twitter: jenniferrunning
June 6, 2014 (5:49 am)
ooooh i love the beach! have a wonderful time with your husband in mexico!
Twitter: DSTPRL
June 6, 2014 (9:38 am)
Thank you Jennifer. I love the beach too!
Meranda June 6, 2014 (6:47 am)
Your vacation sounds fabulous! And I always wanted a Garden but I know how much work they can be and truth be told, i’m kind of a slacker….haha.
Twitter: DSTPRL
June 6, 2014 (9:38 am)
Actually I just water it and leave it alone and let nature take its course.
Twitter: deborahbrooks14
June 6, 2014 (7:24 am)
I love running outside in the summer-it just makes me feel so free and happy. I haven’t been to Cancun in years but people seem to like the Westin there. I wish I had a green thumb so I could grow a garden too. #FridayFive
Twitter: DSTPRL
June 6, 2014 (9:37 am)
The Westin you say? I will definitely check it out.
Haley June 6, 2014 (7:40 am)
I love Cancun. The beaches are so spectacular there. I know you’ll have a great time.
After we move to our new house, I want to start my own garden too. We already have an herb garden, but I want avocados, tomatoes, spinach, and a couple fruit trees too.
Twitter: DSTPRL
June 6, 2014 (9:37 am)
Haley if you can recommend a resort I would be most grateful.
Twitter: rgrdisney
June 6, 2014 (8:03 am)
Great list. I love how it includes things like “go on a vacation”. Just as important as go to the gym.
Twitter: DSTPRL
June 6, 2014 (9:36 am)
I need a vacation right now but it just isn’t scheduled yet. Can’t wait!
Twitter: Janelle_RWNR
June 6, 2014 (8:25 am)
Gardening is great! We have some veggie growing on our patio and my boyfriend just picked up some herbs too. And I will definitely follow your fitness videos. I’m looking forward to Jamaica this summer! I hear the Iberostar resorts are great in Mexico and should have some adult only options.
Twitter: DSTPRL
June 6, 2014 (9:36 am)
I am having so much fun with it. I plan to feature another video with its progress soon. 🙂
Twitter: FABHauteMama
June 6, 2014 (8:59 am)
I have a container garden too. It’s pretty small and I am using it as a learning experience for my toddler and because I love fresh herbs. I can’t wait to an actual tomato on the vine.
I am dreaded outdoor running in the heat. I don’t do well with heat but I am going to try to go early. Hope you get to Mexico.
Twitter: DSTPRL
June 6, 2014 (9:36 am)
I don’t mind running outdoors in heat as long as there is shade.
Chef Kefi June 6, 2014 (10:52 am)
I am so jealous of your green thumb– every year I so *want* to grow a garden, but after about 12 minutes it becomes painfully apparent that I have no business doing so. Best of luck- enjoy Cancun!
Kristy June 6, 2014 (12:06 pm)
Hope you have a great time on your trip, Cancun would be fun!!!
I love to garden too, enjoy getting yours going!
Amanda H June 6, 2014 (1:47 pm)
Great list, Diatta! I also definitely want to run outside more. Cancun sounds wonderful too! Hope you have an amazing time 🙂
Darilyn Weiss June 6, 2014 (1:55 pm)
Congrats on the garden. I love planting one each year. Last year, we had landscaping done and couldn’t get one in, so this year I tried to make use of every ounce of space I had and planted potatoes, carrots, peas, beans, lettuce, spinach, radishes, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, zucchini, onions, and asparagus, as well as a few herbs. I’m guessing I went a little overboard but I’m really looking forward to fresh salads! Plus I just love puttering in it.
Karen June 6, 2014 (4:07 pm)
I’m all about the adult-only vacations as well when it is time for R&R. There are several resorts in Hawaii that have adult-only pools that I’ve enjoyed (the Hyatt on Kauai at Poipu is one). The Marriott & other resorts on Maui in Wailea also have adult pools. We usually go right after school starts, and it is much quieter than August. Have fun!
Twitter: eatprayrundc
June 6, 2014 (4:52 pm)
yes to your garden! i grew basil and tomatoes one summer and it was awesome!
Twitter: DSTPRL
June 6, 2014 (4:56 pm)
My basil is acting a little shady but everything else looks great.
Pam June 6, 2014 (5:58 pm)
We were in Cancun over 20 years ago, so I don’t have any advice except bring lots of swimsuits because it will be hot. Good luck with your garden. Fresh produce is the best.
Twitter: DSTPRL
June 6, 2014 (7:10 pm)
I can deal with hot as long as there is a beach near by. 🙂
jill conyers
Twitter: jillconyers
June 6, 2014 (8:57 pm)
Sounds like a wonderful summer! I’m loving my garden!
Twitter: DSTPRL
June 7, 2014 (5:54 am)
Summer can’t get here soon enough Jill.
Twitter: yousignedup
June 6, 2014 (11:41 pm)
Cancun – wow, that sounds amazing! Your summer sounds great!
Twitter: DSTPRL
June 7, 2014 (5:53 am)
Thank you Cynthia.
Twitter: apaceofbalance
June 9, 2014 (5:40 am)
I would love to have a huge garden with flowers as well we one with vegetable and herbs. We might as well grow green peppers in this house at the rate we eat them! Your summer sounds wonderful, especially Cancun!