#FitnessFriday – HelloFresh Box Review

#FitnessFriday Weekly Workout Recap

If you have been checking out this blog lately or forever then you may have noticed I have been talking about food alot on here.  In particular, I have been going through and reviewing a bunch of food subscription boxes which you can check out here, here and here.  It has been a blast and here is one of the final ones – HELLOFRESH!

The difference with this box is that it is a dinner meal box designed to allow you to prepare nutritious and delicious meals without wasting food.  I know that sounds ambiguous but basically they provide the recipes, the food and sides in just the right portions so that when you are done cooking and eating – there is no uneaten or unprepared food left over.  VERY COOL because according to HelloFresh the average American home throws away about 40% of the food bought – EEEK!

Before I go any further let me share that I received a complimentary HelloFresh Box for 2 and all opinions, suggestions, recommendations and thoughts are my very own.  You are getting the real deal here.

HelloFresh Box Review


Here’s a quick video on how it works but basically you:

1.  Go to their website http://hellofresh.com

2.  You place an order and choose between a classic (with meat) or veggie box

3.  Choose whether you want 3 meals for 2 or 4 people

4.  Choose your day and delivery date

5.  Confirm which 3 of the 5 meals offered that week you want

6.  Wait for the magic to happen – HelloFresh delivered directly to your door


When my box arrived I was extremely excited because the pressure of coming up with a dinner menu for the family was off my shoulders at least that week.  Here’s my unboxing of all of the goodies that came in my box.

My box contained three delicious meals which were very easy to prepare.  It included:

1.  Chicken Yakitori

2.  Steak Tagliata

3.  Tortellini Au Gratin

Everything had meat in it except the tortellini au gratin which was fine.  I prepared a separate meat dish and placed the tortellini on the side.  It was perfect.

Chicken Yakitori

First up was the Chicken Yakitori (took less than 30 minutes to prepare) with the crispy Chuka Soba Noodles.  This dish was heavenly!!  I ate its leftovers at least twice and took some for lunch.  Since this dish was only for 2 I cooked something different for my kids which left more of this for my husband and me.  My kids can be picky eaters and while I think they would have liked the noodles, if the taste isn’t something I normally prepare they freak out.

Chicken Yakitor Prep

As previously mentioned, everything needed to prepare this meal came in its own pack.  Very easy and convenient.

Chicken Yakitori cooking

I followed the instructions to a tee, which were easy to follow, and voila…I’m a chicken yakitori chef!  Well maybe not chef but now I feel comfortable replicating this dish.  I kept the recipes.

Chicken Yakitori Dish 2

Next up was the Steak Tagliata (took less than 30 minute to prepare).  I wasn’t sure how I was going to like this since I have no clue what tagliata is but when I looked at everything ti came with to make nothing looked weird.

Steak Tagliata

I love me a good steak so I was very interested to taste this dish.  I also love savory sweet potatoes so the fact these are prepared with rosemary and garlic was just an extra bonus in my book.

Steak Tagliata Ingredients 2

What I found very delicious about this meal was the watercress salad that everything lays upon.  It brought a nice fresh and crisp taste and contrast to this delicious.  This dish was another winner by the hubster!!!

Steak Tagliata Dish

Last but definitely not least is the Tortellini Au Gratin (took less than 30 minutes to prepare).  I was extremely curious about how this was going to work because I am used to potato au gratin but this dish did not disappoint.

Tortellini Au Gratin

This dish came out creamy and the asparagus really set it off if you ask me.  I love asparagus so it was the perfect veggie for this side dish.  It was filling on its own but I made some chicken as the main entree and served this on the side.  HIT!

Tortellini Au Gratin cooking

Asparagus sauteed in olive oil with sliced garlic


I also took leftovers of this dish to work and had all eyes on my plate in the office.  🙂

Tortellini Au Gratin close up

Rating:  The HelloFresh box was a smash with the family who tend to be picky eaters so I give this box a 10 out of 10.  Remember I said my children didn’t try the chicken yakitori right?  Well they did eat the steak and my daughter tried the tortellini (my son has milk allergies) and she said it taste good so WINNER WINNER!


  • Easy recipes
  • Variety of dishes
  • Convenient
  • Waste conscious
  • Quick meals
  • Most importantly – delicious.  I enjoyed everything that came in my box.


  • The only thing I can think of is maybe the price.  For the cost of 3 meals it costs $69/week to feed 2 and $129/week to feed 4

As I mentioned previously, my husband and I are seriously thinking about ordering this on a more regular basis (maybe not every week but perhaps once a month or so) to help with dinner meal planning and to help us eat out less yet prepare home-cooked meals quickly and easily.


You can enjoy a box of HelloFresh too by simply clicking the graphic below to place your order.


Fitful Focus

28 Replies to "#FitnessFriday - HelloFresh Box Review"

  • comment-avatar
    April 3, 2015 (9:26 am)

    This is a subscription box that I’ve been dying to try for awhile now. I love to cook and I love that everything you need gets delivered to you. My least favorite part of cooking is running to the store to pick up the ingredients because I inevitably always forget something!

    • comment-avatar
      April 3, 2015 (10:16 am)

      Me too Celeste and the other good part – nothing left over.

  • comment-avatar
    April 3, 2015 (9:32 am)

    Loved my hello fresh box too. Your videos are great you always look so relaxed and natural.

    • comment-avatar
      April 3, 2015 (10:15 am)

      Thank you Deborah. My daughter helped by holding the camera phone.

  • comment-avatar
    April 3, 2015 (9:42 am)

    I would love to have this box! Only thing is since I’m a family of 4 the price will become a bit much. #ProductReviewParty

    • comment-avatar
      April 3, 2015 (10:14 am)

      It goes up to $129 but perhaps every now and then you may consider ordering it for convenience.

  • comment-avatar
    April 3, 2015 (9:58 am)

    I love Hello Fresh! Such a fun way to try some new meals. And so convenient!

    • comment-avatar
      April 3, 2015 (10:14 am)

      I was very impressed by it.

  • comment-avatar
    April 3, 2015 (10:04 am)

    This looks great and the meals sound very tasty. So it saves you the shopping and some of the prep?? I love to cook so the cooking part would be no problemo.

    • comment-avatar
      April 3, 2015 (10:13 am)

      Marcia I loved it. It made preparing dinner that much easier after a busy day at work.

  • comment-avatar
    Jessica Joy
    April 3, 2015 (10:50 am)

    What an AWESOME box, and I absolutely love that they make it to have ZERO waste. Okay, wow, there are so many people who could use this. The cool thing is, you could make the recipes again, and mimic the boxes later, it really teaches you to shop and cook too. And, loved seeing and hearing you on the vid. So awesome! Take care, Diatta. You’re beautiful!

    • comment-avatar
      April 3, 2015 (11:40 am)

      Thank you so much Jessica. It was an awesome box and best believe keeping the recipes because even though they portioned everything out for you they tell you the measurements according to the recipe. Score!

  • comment-avatar
    April 3, 2015 (11:16 am)

    I’m going to be a total nomad for the next year or so, so I definitely can’t get any subscription boxes, but I love how this packs everything you need into the box and delivers it right to you! :]

  • comment-avatar
    April 3, 2015 (11:32 am)

    Wow, everything looks good and fresh! I like the idea of having help with easy to prepare meals, but it’s a bit pricey for me.

    • comment-avatar
      April 3, 2015 (11:41 am)

      If you think about how much food you throw away and eating out – it might actually come out a little less. We are gonna incorporate this into our budget at least once a month. It felt great not having to worry what’s for dinner and to just pull everything out of the fridge and cook.

  • comment-avatar
    April 3, 2015 (11:42 am)

    I keep thinking about doing one of these subscription meal services, but I just can’t commit! haha All of this stuff looks delicious, though!

    • comment-avatar
      April 3, 2015 (12:08 pm)

      It was so good!

  • comment-avatar
    Antionette Blake
    April 3, 2015 (12:04 pm)

    This is awesome! I love this and may have to order.

  • comment-avatar
    Antionette Blake
    April 3, 2015 (12:07 pm)

    Forgot to include #Prouctreviewparty

    • comment-avatar
      April 3, 2015 (12:08 pm)

      I always do that. Lol

  • comment-avatar
    April 3, 2015 (9:13 pm)

    I have been wanting to try one of these boxes for forever, but I have to say the cost is a little bit too much for me. Great review though!

    • comment-avatar
      April 3, 2015 (9:16 pm)

      I think about the money we waste when we throw out food it pays for itself for us:

  • comment-avatar
    Giveaways 4 Mom
    April 3, 2015 (10:21 pm)

    It looks like you received a great assortment of items. #ProductReviewParty

  • comment-avatar
    jill conyers
    April 4, 2015 (4:39 am)

    Love this concept. I think I’m going to try the Veg box.

  • comment-avatar
    April 4, 2015 (3:48 pm)

    I love these types of boxes, it is so nice to have everything you need just delivered to your door. The only con I see is like you said, it’s a little pricey

    • comment-avatar
      April 4, 2015 (4:12 pm)

      It is very convenient and I really like that.

  • comment-avatar
    April 6, 2015 (9:54 am)

    This looks cool! I’ll have to see if there’s something similar in Canada.

  • comment-avatar
    Brandy Alford
    April 18, 2015 (11:33 am)

    I think the meat or veggie option is great. I had a fitness subscription but a food subscription is something I am thinking about trying. #ProductReviewParty