Last week was a whirlwind of a week! I had boot camp (no two-a-days though) plus I got to run with some of my lovely running buddies. My clothes feel a bit looser and I tried out some new workout gear (Kushyfoot® socks) so keep reading to see how my week went and what I thought about these performance socks.
Monday 8/11:
This was boot camp day with Monte Sanders and his wonderful team. I also enjoy this boot camp because I have made many new friends inside and out of there and everyone is really cool. Monte was his usual self and we did our mileage warm up to loosen up our bodies and prepare for the hard work to come. He challenged us to lose between 8 to 10 lbs this session along with 3 inches from our waist. That won’t happen without hard work. And trust me the work was HARD but I felt accomplished afterwards. Here’s my calorie burn count to prove it.
Tuesday 8/12:
Ran the nice steady hill on Dolefield with my running buddies. It was about 3.5 miles roundtrip and I felt strong coming and going! Those sprints we do in boot camp really helps with steady-pace running because your pace actually picks up. On its own. I love that. We met up around 5:30 am and got back just before it was time to rush home and get ready for the day. I love early morning runs. BTW I also tried out my Kushyfoot® athletic socks during this run to see how they compared to my regular running socks.
Wednesday 8/13:
It was back to the drawing board in boot camp on Wednesday. We did a mile warm up run and I did it in 8:40. That was ok but last week I ran it a bit quicker. I was determined to improve that time next time. We did a bunch of stop and start drills which meant we had to be quick on our feet to easily change direction. Speed was also key as we had several sprints in between. I also wore my Kushyfoot® athletic socks on this day too to test them out under more rigorous conditions than a steady-pace jog/run.
Thursday 8/14:
We returned to boot camp bright and early at 5:30 am and started with another one-mile warm up. This time I came in at 8:33 – a little better. I would like to one day be a sub-8 minute mile but I realize that will come with time and training. Sprints will get me there. We did a bunch of sprint drills including intervals with push ups mixed in and I even bumped it up and did a set of decline push ups. I will be honest – regular push ups are pretty much standard and “easy” so I do need to step it up.
Friday 8/15:
Sleep in rest day. I actually slept in til 6:30 am!!! Wooo hoooo!
Kushyfoot® Athletic Socks review 
Disclaimer: I was provided complimentary pairs of Kushyfoot® Athletic Socks for review. As always, the opinions expressed in this review are my very own.
My foot covering is very important to me since I tend to run and sprint a lot during my workouts. I have also been wearing the basic same pair of athletic socks suggested to me back in 2005 so it was fun to check out a different pair of socks to see if I have been missing out simply out of habit.
Kushyfoot® is a company who makes all types of foot coverings. Athletic socks are just one kind. They also have food coverings for formal shoes, yoga, casual wear around the house, knee highs, tights, slippers, etc. Their product selection runs the gamut.
Directly from their site:
Step it up with Kushyfoot® athletic socks for sport or everyday comfort!
Low cut socks are convenient since they don’t show in most running shoes or sneakers. Available in packs of 3 in different color assortments, this product features a built-in padded sole to provide extra soft cushioning and keep your feet comfortable as you move throughout the day.
I first tried a pair of their low-cut socks during my steady-pace run up a steady incline on Tuesday. The socks allowed my feet to breathe and they weren’t sweaty when I was done even though it was a humid morning and I was sweating everywhere else. They were comfortable in my Asics GT2170 running shoe and I did not have blisters afterwards (always a PLUS).
I then wore my Kushyfoot® Athletic Socks to boot camp. I will admit we do a lot of stop and go, sprints, change in direction and spontaneous movements all the time so I knew this workout was really going to put those socks to the test. As expected we did all of the movements I mentioned above and the socks performed OK but they were a tad bit thin therefore my foot was sliding around more than normal in my running shoes. Yes I wear my Asics to boot camp because of all the running we do. I tied my running shoe as tight like I always do and double knotted them but my foot still had room to move around which slowed me down during my sprint drills. Bummer.
What I liked:
- Even though my pair was free, the price point seems pretty reasonable and affordable compared to other athletic socks out there on the market
- My foot could breathe and did not sweat more than normal
- Great for jogging
What could have been better:
- I wish the socks were a little thicker, not just to keep the foot stable but also for cushioning
- It appears you can only purchase these socks online directly on the Kushyfoot® site as I didn’t see any retailers in my direct area that sell them
Overall I give these socks a 7 out of 10 stars. They are affordable and a decent sock for moderate activity. Check them out and try them for yourself. Tell them Femme Fitale Fit Club sent you. 🙂
How did your workouts go last week? Do you have any favorite apparel which are must-haves when you work out?
11 Replies to "Workout Week Recap + Product Review"
Twitter: deborahbrooks14
August 18, 2014 (8:58 am)
looks like you really kicked butt on those workouts this week! nice 🙂
Twitter: DSTPRL
August 18, 2014 (10:09 am)
Oh I did Deborah! My sprints were getting better each time and my push ups were solid, I was handling the intervals like a champ. Felt good.
Twitter: Janelle_RWNR
August 18, 2014 (1:48 pm)
I wish I could do boot camps as often as you do…that DOMS alwaysg gets to me!
Twitter: DSTPRL
August 18, 2014 (2:39 pm)
Janelle you get used to the DOMS. I like my coach and his team plus the other members are like family. Very positive and encouraging.
Twitter: runningescapade
August 22, 2014 (12:11 pm)
I am very picky about my socks. Used to wear Nike, but when they got hard to find, I switched to Feetures!
Twitter: missloumae
August 22, 2014 (12:30 pm)
I need to really step my exercising game up and stop making so many excuses.
But when I do exercise my feet seems to sweat a lot so these socks would be good for me. #ProductReviewPArty
Twitter: DSTPRL
August 22, 2014 (1:37 pm)
Good socks are a blessing.
jill conyers
Twitter: jillconyers
August 23, 2014 (6:50 am)
Great workout week! My must have is Swiftwick socks.
Mary Beth Jackson
Twitter: tutusandtennies
August 23, 2014 (12:26 pm)
That is one kick butt kind of week! I am a MySoxyfeet ambassador and I love them!
Twitter: DSTPRL
August 23, 2014 (12:27 pm)
Thanks for coming by Mary Beth. Sock loyalty I love it.
Giveaways 4 Mom
Twitter: funmom91
August 24, 2014 (12:28 pm)
I need to get back in the habit of working out. I do it for one week then I am off track for the rest of the month. Also, I love your shoes they look super comfortable. #ProductReviewParty