Femme Fitale on Youtube
I am working to break into the world of youtube so that for future challenges, you will be able to see a person describe the challenges to you vs. simply reading through paragraphs of information. I know it isn't difficult but I am committed to working towards creating some good videos for you all. I am very direct so they won't be too fancy ...
Are you the chicken or the pig?
When it comes to our workouts...how committed are you? Are you just taking it easy and doing what comes or are you willing, able and committed to making a change and show it with constant effort? Take the poll and share with us. Don't worry - you are amongst friends.
[polldaddy poll="6315233"]
How To Stay Motivated
I remember first committing to a more regular workout routine. I was excited and felt I could take on the world! Even though I was not at my physical peak I felt STRONG! I engulfed myself into fitness by subscribing to magazines and IN MY HEAD seeing and doing the exercises. And then after about a month or so...the feeling wanes and I ...