13.1 miles 3 results

Friday Five: Five Fitness Truths

Hi everybody.  Checking in with my Five Friday topic "Five Fitness Truths".  This topic is perfect as I have a solid 5 to share for guaranteed results. Before I share my solid truths let me shout out the wonderful hostesses for this weekly link up.  This link up is sponsored by Courtney from Eat Pray Run, DC, Cynthia from You Signed ...

Friday Five: Off To The Races

Hi everybody.  Checking in with my Five Friday topic "Off To The Races" which fits right in with my half marathon update.  Last time I checked in I let you all know I had not done a hill of beans of training.  That was for a few reasons including a bum knee and horrible Maryland weather with record amounts of snowfall.  With all of that ...

Friday Five: Spring Forward

It's that time again - Friday Five.   This week's theme has to do with Spring Forward:  what five things am I looking forward to this Spring.  Of course I am relating this to my fitness so check out what I am anticipating starting this Spring season. This link up is sponsored by Courtney from Eat Pray Run, DC, Cynthia from You Signed Up ...