August Fit Snack Box Unboxing
Hi Femme Fitale Family - it's that time again - I am sharing an unboxing of the August Fit Snack Box. This box did not disappoint and I have more healthy snacks to share with family and co-workers.
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which means I earn a small commission if you click and subscribe to this service. All ...
Meal Mondays: Shrimp Zoodles Pesto
Here's my tasty shrimp pesto zoodles recipe that is to DIE for.
Hey Femme Fitale Family!!! I am super duper excited about sharing this recipe with you all. I was inspired to make this recipe when I found a one-pot zucchini pasta recipe on the "Making Thyme For Health" blog site.
It looked so good and I had some ideas of ...
No Sugar In September Challenge
Hey Fitness Family!!
Can you believe the Summer is ending and the kids are either back in school or headed back in another week or so? It’s all good because we can all get excited about the Fall season and all of the amazingness that comes with it like:
Pumpkin picking
Trick or Treating
Thanksgiving Feast
Beautiful Fall ...
August Snack Sack Box Unboxing
Disclaimer: I was sent a complimentary Snack Sack Box to write an honest review. As always, all opinions, thoughts, suggestions, and recommendations are my very own. In other words, I'm going to keep it real regardless. :-)
Hey Fitness Family! You guessed it, I unboxed the August Snack Sack box and I am really excited about ...
Workout Wednesday – How Many Times
There's the age old question, how many times do you workout a week. I say workout as much as you have the energy for but in all seriousness, make sure your activity level changes from day to day. You can't go 200% EVERY day - your body needs time to recover and heal. With that said....I'm sharing my main weights workout this week.
I'm ...
Featured Fitale Jessica Ouimet
FFFC: Please introduce yourself to our readers (i.e. your name, occupation, hobbies, etc.).
JO: My name is Jessica, I am 34 years old and just recently was able to become a stay at home mom and wife. We have a 7 year old girl who I now get to do lots of activities with because I stay home. A lot of my hobbies are things my ...
Meal Mondays: Teriyaki Salmon
Hey Fit Family!!! One day I was walking through Wegmans and you know how they have those nice ladies handing out food samples? Well this lady handed me a taste of the salmon with teriyaki and I was sold! I went home and made this recipe for my family and my mom was in town visiting and was highly impressed. I shared the recipe with her ...
Top 5 Non-Scale Victory Indicators
Here are 5 ways to claim non-scale victories that are just as good or better at measuring weight-loss success and progress than the body weight scale.
When we think about our fitness journey we tend not to give as much credence to non-scale victory indicators and solely focus on scale victories and whether the number on the scale went up or ...
Meal Mondays: Homemade Veggie Chili
Try this amazing vegetarian chili recipe which will have you not even miss the meat.
Hey Femme Fitale Family!!! If you've been catching me on Instagram then you know I recently purchased a Nutribullet 900 which I am extremely excited about.
What came with that awesome purchase was a healthy recipe book and that is where I ...
Lifestyle Reorientation Planning
We all have more than just one role in our lives – we’re at the same time hardworking business people, 24/7 parents, best friends, pet owners, housekeepers, caring spouses and lot more. While this variety makes the life exciting, fulfilled and amazingly generous, it often comes with a lack of sleep, anxiety and thousands of other bad ...
Plenti Yogurt To Eat
With my busy schedule it has gotten even harder for me to eat on a regular schedule and stay full for a few hours while I go about my day. I realized that since I am constantly on the go, I needed healthy transportable food that can go with me. I recently found out about Plenti Greek Yogurt and figured it may be ...
In The Gym with Maria Kang
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links.
FFFC: Please introduce yourself to my readers.
MK: My name is Maria Kang, social entrepreneur, elderly care home business owner, wife and mother to three little boys 6 and under. I am popularly known as “Fit Mom” or “No Excuse Mom”, who’s “What’s Your Excuse?” fitspi...
Recovery Tips for Gym Newbies
Every beginning tends to be hard and this fact is very well known to the gym newcomers who are facing post-workout muscle soreness, or the Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) how experts like to call it. But, while DOMS can be great achievement indicator proving that philosophy of “No pain, no gain”, no matter how old it may seem, makes ...
July Fit Snack Box Unboxing
Hey everybody! How's everyone's Summer going? I can say mine has been a whirlwind but I definitely can't complain. I'm back with another Fit Snack Box unboxing and I always get excited with these.
If you recall - after receiving these boxes monthly I have been making better food choices especially when it comes to snacks. I always have ...
Book Review: Inspired by Lorna Jane
This post is sponsored by Lorna Jane through my affiliation with Sweat Pink. All opinions are my own.
Hi Femme Fitale Family! I can't believe this year is flying by so fast and I am so proud of so many because you have kept me updated all year that have remained steadfast to your fitness goals and weight-loss journey. I am truly inspired by ...
Get Rowdy with Reebok and Ronda Rousey
**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links
For all you Ronda Rousey fans, it's time to get "Rowdy!" Show your support by sporting Reebok's Ronda Rousey gear while watching her August 1, 2015 fight this weekend against Brazilian fighter, Bethe "Pitbull" Correia.
Featured Fitale Melisa Tate
FFFC: Please introduce yourself to our readers (i.e. your name, occupation, hobbies, etc.).
MT: My name is Melisa “Melu 2.0” Tate. I work for Girl Scouts as an Outreach Specialist. My passions are helping people in their transformation process and event planning. My hobbies are swimming, running, & trying fun workout ...
July 2015 POPSUGAR Must Have Box Unboxing
Disclaimer: I was provided a complimentary July POPSUGAR Must Have box due to my affiliation with POPSUGAR Select. I decided to share what came inside so all opinions are my very own. You can be assured I am going to keep it real. Also this post contains affiliate links which means if you click and make a purchase I receive a small ...
July Snack Sack Box Unboxing
Disclaimer: I was sent a complimentary Snack Sack Box to write an honest review. As always, all opinions, thoughts, suggestions, and recommendations are my very own. In other words, I'm going to keep it real regardless. :-)
Hey Fitness Family! If you haven't noticed around here but this week is chock full of unboxings!!! ...
July Love With Food Deluxe Box Unboxing
Disclaimer: I was compensated through my affiliation with Sverve to write an honest review of the July Love With Food Deluxe Snack Box. As always, all opinions, thoughts, suggestions, and recommendations are my very own. In other words, you are going to get an honest review, regardless of compensation. :-)
I first reviewed the ...