Kale Delight #Juice Recipe

Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE juicing and all of its benefits.  I will juice a nice blend of veggies and fruit.  I am starting to tip more on the side of more veggies than fruit so reap even more fuel and health benefits.  With that said here is my latest concoction which tastes LOVELY!!!!  If you decide to try it I think you all will definitely want to make more of it.  The color isn’t that attractive but close your eyes and ENJOY the juice!  🙂


Bunches of kale – cleaned

5 Empire Apples


2 Beets


Omega VRT350 Juicer

Kale Delight Juice

Kale Delight Juice

Instruction:  Clean, chop and prep all food for juicer.  Send through juicer, put in a cute glass and enjoy!  #POW!

Are you interested in juicing and want to know how to get started?  Check out some of these awesome pages dedicated to juicing!

Straight Juicin’:  http://www.straightjuicin.com/p/why-straightjuicin.html

Chaud’s Juice Therapy:  http://chaudsjuicetherapy.com/

Want the smoothest pulp free juice ever then I highly recommend you get an Omega VRT350 juicer. It is amazing.

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