Home Gym Essential Equipment

Who needs a box gym when you can build out your own home gym with these equipment essentials.

Home Gym Equipment Essentials #homegym #gym #equipment #workoutequipment #bench #swissball #handweights #workoutdvds #benchpress #fitnesstips #weightlosstips #homegymspace (1)

Due to schedules I have been relegated to working out at home but trust me – I am not disappointed.  I think I have a pretty thorough home gym with a bunch of quality pieces of workout equipment.

If you have the right home gym equipment you can get in a heart-thumping workout, get stronger with strength exercises of all varieties and have the convenience of not having to drive any minutes anywhere outside of your home.

Also with the weather temperatures lately, staying inside as much as possible is a welcomed routine.

In order to prepare your home gym space and equip it adequately here is a few of my tried and true home gym essential equipment that is affordable and can possibly work in your home gym.


I share my recommended home gym equipment in my online Amazon store here:  https://www.amazon.com/shop/femmefitalefitclubtv


Hand weights

Hand weights

These are very essential in my honest opinion.  They are handy to assist with strength training at home.  I also find they are better and safer to use than items you find around the home like milk jugs or canned goods because they are made for safe gripping.

I tend to rant about how some women seem afraid to lift heavy and instead stick to what I call “baby weights” which are 2 or 3 lb weights.  If you want to see sculpting and results, ladies don’t be afraid of the “big girl” weights.

Your body will thank you for it and when you build muscle, you continue to burn calories even when you aren’t working out unlike cardio, once you stop (unless you are doing HIIT) your body doesn’t necessarily continue burning those calories.

Weighted Ball or medicine ball

Medicine ball/weighted ball 

This my friends is another version of weights and I find very effective when it comes to abs, shoulders and general arm exercises.  I use this for Russian Twists as well as front raises to work my shoulders.

We have a range of weighted balls in our home gym ranging from 8 lbs up to about 12 lbs and I consider these essential.
Jump Rope

Jump rope 

If you do not have space in your home to fit a treadmill, then a jump rope is your next best thing.  Boxers use speed ropes to help with their agility and to get in their cardio.

I enjoy jump rope because it is easy to take with you anywhere and as long as you have enough space to turn the rope, you can get in excellent cardio that rivals treadmills.

If you live in an apartment or condo above someone I strongly recommend you jump rope outside on a soft surface so as not to annoy your neighbors living beneath you.  😊

Yoga Mat

Yoga mat 

I consider yoga mats essential because even if you have carpet, once you get sweaty you don’t want that all over your carpet.  On the other hand if you have hard wood or tile floors, it provides the perfect cushion for you during your floor exercises.

It also gives you a place for your sweat to drip without ruining your floors.  I would recommend a thicker variety of yoga mat for maximum comfort.

Workout DVDs

Workout DVDs 

If you desire variety and challenge in your workouts, then make sure you get you a host of workout DVDs by a variety of trainers.  I know I know, folks say working out to the same DVD gets boring because the routine doesn’t change.

But I tell ya, if you purchase 1 DVD a month, by the end of the year you will have 12 in your library and can switch up after 2 to 3 weeks to keep your body guessing.  I highly recommend building your library of workout DVDs.



I first used these at my gym with my trainer and was hooked.  This item looks simple enough but I consider it a home gym essential piece of equipment because it destabilizes you which requires you to stabilize with your core.

I use these gliders when I do push ups, planks, inch worm, bridge extensions and mountain climbers.  These gliders are no joke and you WILL feel these the next day.  I love mine!  If you can’t afford these then simply use paper plates.

These are best if used on carpet with sneakers.

Our Peloton Bike 2

Peloton Bike

If you love cycling classes and variety then you may want to consider purchasing a Peloton bike.  I know there may initially be some sticker shock but when you break down the cost to the number of times you can use it, I recommend this for every home gym.

They have expanded their offering to NOT just the bike. They also offer boot camp, yoga, meditation, strength, running and stretching classes to name a few.

Check out my full Peloton review and experience and then decide for yourself.

Check out my video as I discuss these home gym essential and affordable equipment.  Also please thumbs up and subscribe while you’re there.


Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links which means if you make a purchase through the link I will receive a small percentage of the sale.  Thank you in advance for your support.

So there you have it – my home gym essential pieces of equipment.  This list is in no way complete but a great way to get started.

What piece of equipment do you find essential in your home gym?


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38 Replies to "Home Gym Essential Equipment"

  • comment-avatar
    February 16, 2015 (7:47 am)

    a weighted ball – that’s what i need!

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    Geek Fitness Beej
    February 16, 2015 (8:16 am)

    I love my kettlebells at home. I just love the things. I have wanted one of the kettleBALLS that are basically medicine balls with kettlebell handles to allow for different kinds of swings and exercises (better grip on the weight itself, etc.), but I haven’t been able to justify the cost.

    Also, my FitDesk. Man, I wouldn’t have made it through the winter sane if it hadn’t been for this thing. Being injured and still able to write and game and exercise at the same time…best home gym item that I’ve ever had, bar none.

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    Force Fitness Kits February 16, 2015 (8:36 am)

    Good article, but we believe you forgot a few things! http://www.forcefitnesskits.com to complete your home gym setup!

  • comment-avatar
    February 16, 2015 (9:30 am)

    The weighted ball is the best piece I have at home you can do wonders with it. I love a few body bars too.

  • comment-avatar
    February 18, 2015 (7:36 am)

    I have these items and big inflatable ball too. All good stuff! Great video!

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    MCM Mama Runs
    February 18, 2015 (7:37 am)

    I really need to get a weighted ball. I’ve worked out with one a few times and it’s a killer workout! #wowlinkup

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    February 18, 2015 (8:03 am)

    I have all the equipment you mentioned except the gliders, and love it. I also love my stability ball, kettlebells and resistance bands. It’s nice to have variety so you can change up your routine from time to time! 🙂

  • comment-avatar
    February 18, 2015 (8:23 am)

    I do not have a lot of these. I think I have several different weights, a mat, stability ball. I would love to get a bosu ball but we don’t have a lot of room for a home gym, I wish we did. Maybe someday!

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    February 18, 2015 (8:26 am)

    I love my hand weights. I use them ALL the time. I need to get a jump rope- especially when we start traveling a lot, I’m sure that will come in handy! Also a yoga mat. I love my yoga mat. Helps if you have hardwood floors 🙂

    • comment-avatar
      February 18, 2015 (8:15 pm)

      I am very particular about jump ropes – they have to be a specific quality. My husband thinks that’s crazy! LOL

  • comment-avatar
    February 18, 2015 (9:06 am)

    The only home gym items that I currently have are a yoga mat, a couple of DVDs, and some resistance bands. I’ve been meaning to get some hand weights and a medicine ball for awhile, but I’m not sure why I haven’t gotten them yet. I definitely need to get on that.

    • comment-avatar
      February 18, 2015 (8:15 pm)

      Kathryn – hand weights are fairly inexpensive and a medicine ball is a definite MUST!!! It takes things up a notch.

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    Kate February 18, 2015 (10:26 am)

    I use my dumbbells a ton so I would have to say them! I also have a fitness band that is great too! What has been your favorite workout dvd for cardio? I’m stuck inside all winter and I need to keep shaking things up!

    • comment-avatar
      February 18, 2015 (8:14 pm)

      Good question – I would have to say my favorite workout DVD has been Cathe Freidrich. She is awesome and I always end up SORE afterwards. Jillian Michaels is a cool second.

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    February 18, 2015 (11:16 am)

    Gliders are the best! I have wood floors, so I just use paper plates. I also love having resistance bands on hand at home.

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    February 18, 2015 (2:29 pm)

    These are great! I need to buy some quality hand weights, I have some barbells that I’m scared I will drop on my foot and hurt myself! I need a medicine ball for abs too! #wowlinkup

  • comment-avatar
    February 18, 2015 (2:45 pm)

    I love my wobble board! I work from home so I put in a standing desk and my wobble board to work my core. 🙂

  • comment-avatar
    February 18, 2015 (7:58 pm)

    All great picks! As a runner I NEED a foam roller too! And in this crazy winter, a treadmill!

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    The Frugal Exerciser
    February 18, 2015 (8:50 pm)

    If I health clubs were not more, I would have to have my dumbbells and my gliding discs. You can do so much with those two items. #wowlinkup

  • comment-avatar
    February 18, 2015 (9:27 pm)

    I just moved to an apartment so I need to build up my home gym. I need some weights and a yoga mat. I like the gliders idea too! Perhaps a follow up post could be cardio moves to do when you have downstairs neighbors…I can’t do much jumping because my whole apartment shakes!

    • comment-avatar
      February 18, 2015 (9:28 pm)

      Great idea Patty. I do intend to show some loves to do with the gliders.

  • comment-avatar
    February 18, 2015 (10:48 pm)

    I’ve heard about those gliders recently, they seem great for a home gym. I have pretty much everything else on the list. 🙂

    • comment-avatar
      February 18, 2015 (10:48 pm)

      I love my gliders.

  • comment-avatar
    February 18, 2015 (11:29 pm)

    Gliders are awesome! There is so much you can do with them. Right now I am loving my kettlebell.

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    Force Fitness Kits February 19, 2015 (7:28 am)

    Sliders are pretty hard to beat, the ones in this post are basically two frisbee’s turned upside down. We like the large furniture sliders. We sell them in our Force Fitness Kits for a little cheaper then you will find them at your local hardwood store.

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    February 19, 2015 (8:00 am)

    This is so true AND what I bring to my clients for personal training! GREAT post!!

  • comment-avatar
    February 19, 2015 (9:59 am)

    Kettlebells are #1 in my home gym! I can use them for EVERYTHING.

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    Sandra Laflamme
    February 19, 2015 (1:39 pm)

    I have never seen gliders before. Curious about these. Also, we need kettlebells!

  • Friday Loves #34 - Kate Moving Forward February 20, 2015 (6:00 am)

    […] Home Gym Essential Equipment–great tips for stocking your home gym #noexcuses! […]

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    jill conyers
    February 20, 2015 (6:23 am)

    Over time I’ve built up a nice home gym with all the essentials. No need for a jump rope 🙂

  • #FitnessFriday - Staying Warm - Femme Fitale Fit Club ® Blog February 20, 2015 (7:45 am)

    […] schedule changes I have had to take my workouts indoors inside my home gym but fortunately I have essential equipment in my home gym that makes sure I still burn calories and […]

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    Stephanie (
    February 20, 2015 (11:58 am)

    Right now, my go-to’s are my Woss suspension trainer, my slam ball and my kettle bell. I also have weights, yoga mat, treadmill and DVDs. It takes awhile to build up a good home gym but well worth it. My next purchase will be an ultimate sandbag.

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    treadmill Brisbane February 28, 2015 (3:13 am)

    You can always consult a professional trainer even when you’re working out at home. A few gym equipment could help you a lot.

    • comment-avatar
      February 28, 2015 (6:01 am)

      Like what pieces of gym equipment is good for home?

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    Alex Wheeler November 21, 2015 (8:26 am)

    Enjoyed reading this article, I’m a fitness buff myself.

    • comment-avatar
      November 21, 2015 (9:00 am)

      Oh cool!

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    Beau December 5, 2017 (6:41 pm)

    Warming up and cooling down with a foam roller is my favorite part of working out. They are also cheap enough that I think everyone should own one at home. Thanks for the great read!

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    Gloria Diaz July 16, 2018 (10:33 am)

    Wow, these are so impressive. I wanna say that, really amazing.