If you need a home workout that is convenient then try these that help build strength and tones your body.

Not everyone can get to the gym, but home workouts may be a great alternative. Below are 10 exercises you can do in privacy and nearly all of them can be done with very little gear.
Core Exercises For A Home Workout
1) Planks: There are several varieties of plank, including the side plank and modified side plank for those just starting out. In addition to strengthening your core, planks build strength in your arms.
2) Reverse Crunches: For reverse crunches you only need a yoga mat and a willing heart. Lie on your back with your knees bent, toes slightly lifted. Place your hands beneath your lower back to support it. Curl your lower body and knees toward your abs and chest. Return legs to the floor.
3) Stability Ball Walkout: If you have a stability ball, it can be used for several core workouts. For the Walkout, lay your body over the ball with your arms extended in a pushout position. Walk your hands out, holding your torso rigid and your legs straight. The further out you walk, the more you have to work your core. Now walk back to the original position. Don’t let your back sag!
Arm Exercises For a Home Workout
1) Biceps Curl: If you invest in a set of workout bands, bicep curls can become part of your routine. Find the halfway point of the band and stand on it with one or both feet. Let your arms rest at your sides, then curl your hands up to your shoulders.
2) Chest Press: Find a sturdy post or stair rail. Loop the band around the post at shoulder height and turn your back to it. Place your right foot forward and press your hands forward. For a harder workout, step further from the post. Switch feet to even up the exercise.
3) Shadow-Boxing: Place one foot on the center of the band and lean into that foot. Curl your arms across your body as though you’re boxing. Again, switch feet. It’s a good idea to invest in lifting gloves to protect your hands.
Leg Exercises For A Home Workout
1) Bodyweight Squats: These can be easily done either free-standing, off of a chair or at a counter if you need balance assistance. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and lower your bottom until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Squeeze your buttocks and stand back up. As you get stronger, you can add a hop at the top.
2) Plie Squats: Stand with your feet wider than your shoulders and your toes out. Lower your bottom until your thighs are parallel to the floor and stand back up.
3) Plie Squats with Calf Raises: Start in a squat as described in the step above. While squatting, raise your heels and hold for two seconds.
4) Curtsy lunges: From a standing position, step back diagonally and bend the back knee, lowering your body until the knee touches the floor.
Equipment needed:
- Dumbbells
- Swiss ball
- Mat


Disclaimer:Â This post contains affiliate links which means if you make a purchase I receive a percentage.
Stability Ball

9 Replies to "Convenient At Home Workouts Anyone Can Do"
Femme Fitale Fit Club BlogGet Rid of Baby 👶 Weight Without Going Through A Lot - Femme Fitale Fit Club Blog October 17, 2019 (7:08 am)
[…] you postpartum? Learn how to get rid of the baby weight without going through a […]
Kimberly Hatting October 22, 2019 (2:25 pm)
I love all of these! I do most of my strength work at home 😉
Flecks of Lex
Twitter: flecksoflex
October 22, 2019 (3:11 pm)
I’ve never tried that shadow boxing move! I’ll have to give this workout a try!
Femme Fitale Fit Club BlogWhat to Eat Before and After Your Workouts - Femme Fitale Fit Club Blog November 23, 2019 (6:32 am)
[…] may wonder what you should eat before and after your workouts. Your questions have been […]
Femme Fitale Fit Club BlogThe Body-Positive Guide to Working Out - Femme Fitale Fit Club Blog November 24, 2019 (3:48 pm)
[…] out this body positive guide to working out and body […]
Magdalene Lares December 10, 2019 (10:50 pm)
Due to its flexible, convenient and easy-to-carry features, housewives can lose weight and shape in the office or at home without going to the gym. Because men have greater demands on muscles and strength, they can choose a high-intensity and high-load elastic band for training; women can choose a less-intensity elastic band for small-load, multi-group and multi-time training.
Femme Fitale Fit Club Blog5 Ways to Maximize Your Workouts - Femme Fitale Fit Club Blog December 14, 2019 (1:32 am)
[…] Your time is valuable so whether you’re squeezing in a quick at-home workout or planning a long sweat session at the gym, you should always try to make the most out of your workouts. […]
Boros May 2, 2020 (7:00 am)
These are especially useful now during social distancing. This was how I’ve found your website
Sabiha June 16, 2020 (10:59 am)
I love this article, I most do them at home. Thanks for sharing.