month : 04/2022 3 results

How to Get 10,000 Steps A Day

Check out these creative ways to accumulate 10,000 steps a day and how to track them. Why do you try to get your 10,000 steps in a day? Is it just for the challenge and satisfaction of accomplishment? Maybe you love to get in your daily workout and like tracking your progress. Regardless of which category you’re in, tracking your ...

In The Gym With Lauren McKinney

Meet amazing vegan and plant-based chef Lauren McKinney who shares how she transitioned to veganism and is living her best life. Please introduce yourself to our readers.  My name is Lauren McKinney. I’m a certified plant-based health coach and have been vegan for almost 11 years. I retired from my corporate gig in 2020 to spend ...

The Best Flat Bench Exercises For Women

Take your fitness to the next level with a frequently overlooked piece of equipment, the flat bench. One often missed but popular exercise piece of equipment is the flat bench.  There are so many exercises one can perform with it, it’s a shame it doesn’t get more recognition.  I’m going to share some of my favorite exerci...