day : 27/12/2013 2 results

Twelve Days of Fitness – Day 3

It is Day 3 of the Twelve Days of Christmas challenge by Fit Armadillo and I put in some real workout time today.  I finally made it back out on the pavement with Black Girls RUN! Baltimore.  It was cold but if you don't think about it then you can get through it.  We started out with a 3 mile effort and ended up clocking an entire 4 ...

Product Review: Omega VRT350 Juicer

Read what I think about my Omega VRT350 Juicer. Grrrr…..I crashed my blog and had to restore it.  In the meantime I LOST one of my favorite product reviews to date this year (this ONE) so this is a REPOST.  In the end I gave this juicer 9 out of 10 stars.  Read why below. I am so happy and pleased to be providing a product review of one ...