United States Department of Agriculture 5 results

FFF Challenge #7: Eat 2 Fresh Green Salads a Day

We are now beginning with challenge #7.  This week's challenge should be amenable given the summer holiday. Drum roll please..............this week's challenge is:  Eat two fresh green salads a day M-F Green salads are crispy, fresh and cool and with the warm weather - extremely refreshing.  Remember, the darker the greens, the better for ...

FFF Challenge #6: No Soft Drinks of Any Kind

We are now beginning with challenge #6.  Yeah.....these are going to start to become more challenging! Drum roll please..............this week's challenge is: Drink no soft drinks of any kind One of the best ways to lose weight is to curb extra and empty calories!  Well soft drinks are nothing but sugar overload along with empty calories. ...

FFF Challenge #5: Eat no poultry, pork or beef Tuesday and Thursday

We are now beginning with challenge #5.  This is our version of "meatless Monday" but applies to Tuesday and Thursday. Drum roll please..............this week's challenge is: Eat no poultry, pork or beef Tuesday and Thursday I have to admit - this is going to be a challenge for me especially since I am constantly told to consume protein to ...

FFF Challenge #4: Eat at least 3 servings of vegetables

We are now beginning with challenge #4.  Can you believe we would have completed 1 month of challenges once this ends?  Let's get started with #4 so we can claim that victory. Drum roll please..............this week's challenge is: Eat at least 3 servings of vegetables a day Growing up as a kid, I never fully appreciated vegetables.  Probably ...

FFF Challenge #3: Eat at least 3 servings of fruit

I hope everyone participated in last week's challenge and adopted it as a new healthy habit.  Eating breakfast daily is extremely important.  The women of Femme FITale participated in large numbers consistently and I am very happy about that.  Today is the start of a new weekly challenge. Drum roll please..............this week's challenge ...