johnny unitas 2 results

Feel Good and Week In Review – 9/23 – 9/29

Last week was a doozy full of activity!  I believe I was active every day last week including Saturday and Sunday.  That is a record for me and not necessarily something I want to make a habit.  Between running with my Pavement Warriors, working out with trainer and running races - I burned major calories and got it in on the pavement.  Have ...

Time For Fall and Week In Review – 9/16 – 9/22

Fall is here and it is time to put it in GEAR!!  I did much better this past week than previous weeks with my workouts.  I still did not log as many miles as I would like because I believe I am ready for longer runs but I have excellent company on my runs which makes the shorter runs all worth it.  My running buddies go by many names such as ...