iFit 3 results

Twelve Days of Fitness – Days 12

  I'm recording Day 12 of the Twelve Days of Fitness challenge by Fit Armadillo.  This challenge encourages fitness bloggers to blog every day for the next 12 days about our workouts. Today is the 12th and final day of 12 Days of Fitness.  Boy has the time flown by.  Today I can describe my workout in a single word – ...

Twelve Days of Fitness – Day 11

  I'm recording Day 11 of the Twelve Days of Fitness challenge by Fit Armadillo.  This challenge encourages fitness bloggers to blog every day for the next 12 days about our workouts. Let's see where do I start?  Today I signed up for an hour of Sanders Optimum Fitness boot camp which I have been doing for well over a year.  ...

Twelve Days of Fitness – Day 10

  I'm recording Day 10 of the Twelve Days of Fitness challenge by Fit Armadillo.  This challenge encourages fitness bloggers to blog every day for the next 12 days about our workouts. Wow ....all I'mma say is if you are on a workout regiment - DON'T take a break.  Figure out how to get something in because getting back into it ...