healthy 211 results

7 Fast Weight Loss Tips If You Weigh 200 Pounds Or More

If you weigh 200 pounds or more, here's how you can begin to lose that excess weight fast. Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. When you think of quick weight loss, you assume it means sweating it out at the gym and munching on celery sticks! But you ...

How To Lose Belly Fat Quickly

It seems that everyone is trying to shed some belly fat, and there are countless schemes, diets, and tricks that claim to help with dropping the weight. Yet, if they really worked, then wouldn’t everyone be doing them? Sometimes, the best thing you can do to lose belly fat is to stick to the simplicity of a healthy diet and exercise routine...

3 Chiropractor Tips for Effective Warm-Up and Cool Down to Prevent Injury

Make sure your warm-ups and cool downs are effective by reading up on these top tips by a chiropractor. We have all heard it a thousand times – getting moving is one of the best things you can do for your mind and body. Walking, running, lifting weights, playing sports, and everything in between can help burn fat, keep you toned, and even ...

7 Top Fitness Benefits For Teens

Learn the 7 top fitness benefits that can help teens live fit and happy lives. Teenagers nowadays have become accustomed to leading a sedentary lifestyles, spending several hours in front of the computer and engaging in very little or no physical activity. Unfortunately, the lack of fitness is associated with a number of health risks, such as ...

8 Actionable Ways To Lose Weight

If you have been struggling to lose weight then follow these 8 actionable ways you can do so effectively. Weight loss is a relatively straightforward process. But that doesn’t make it easy. Add to the fact that there is so much contradicting information out there and you’ve got yourself the perfect recipe for confusion and frustration. The ...

The Key To Longevity: Jogging and The Mediterranean Diet

Longevity has its place and learn how jogging and the Mediterranean Diet can improve both.  Longevity implies a long duration of individual life or a person’s life expectancy. Staying alive and healthy is for everyone, regardless of age and gender. In an article published by Harvard Health Publishing, there are quite a number of simple ...

Strong and Sexy: The Best Full-Body Workout Routine for Women

Strong is the new sexy that’s why more women are becoming hooked on strength training as their workout of choice. In the old days, there was a misconception that women should stick to cardio and aerobics because weight training will only bulk up their feminine physiques. But this old wives’ tale is now a thing of the past. For women to get ...

Losing Weight – How To Get Started

I get constant questions about how to get started losing weight so I put together some practical tips to help you get going and to be successful with it. Reminder - this is strictly an example of what you can do to start your weight-loss journey. Of course always check with your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program....

Why You Aren’t Losing Weight Working Out

Are you working out hard regularly and still aren’t losing weight?  Find out what might be the culprit. If you are working out hard in the gym or at home and making better nutrition choices it can be frustrating when you don’t see movement on the scale, your clothes are still fitting tightly or your measurements are the same or increa...

8 Tips For Outdoor Winter Running

Learn how you can continue running as it gets colder outside with these outdoor Winter running tips. Some people think of running as a fair-weather sport and hang up their running shoes in the winter. I love running in the fall and winter. Living in Chicago, it can be no small feat, but if you have the right gear and some cold weather paramet...

4 Simple Steps to Building Beginner Workout Programs

Here are 4 simple steps to assist anyone build an effective beginner workout program to help them achieve their fitness and health goals. These 4 simple steps to building beginner workout programs aren't the same old same old.  The best workout routines aren’t shaped out of a cookie-cutter ready to put into service by every single one of ...

Kettlebell Workouts for Weight Loss

If you’ve been looking for kettlebell workouts for weight loss you’ve come to the right place.  Weight loss is most affected by a change in diet, but that doesn’t mean that your exercise regimen should take a back seat. In fact, you can use kettlebells to burn fat and increase weight loss at the same time that you build lean muscle ...

6 Reasons You Aren’t Losing Weight

Losing weight can be tough.  And if you don't see the scale move, there could be valid reasons for that.  Keep reading to find out what they are. You have been at the top of your weight training and healthy eating plan for the past month, so you expect to see results.  But what if you step on the scale and realize that you ...

5 Reasons Women Should Build Muscle

Here are 5 reasons why women should build lean muscle.  Women in the gym tend to steer clear of anything that involves lifting weights. If you've ever been to one, you've probably noticed that. Maybe you're a woman yourself. When someone suggests that you start lifting, the first thing you think is that you don't want to bulk up and start ...

5 Reasons Why Slow and Steady Weight Loss Is Better

Let's discuss the 5 reasons why slow and steady weight loss is better for you. We often hear about diets and fads that are tailored to help you lose weight fast. However, this isn’t always the best way to lose weight for your body. While it might be more instantly gratifying, the best way to lose weight has been proven in some studies to be ...

Tips for Squeezing in a Workout for Busy Women

We women stay busy with family, career, volunteer work, church, etc. but here is how to squeeze in a workout even with all of that going on. Let's talk about fitting in workouts being a busy woman.  Being a woman in today's hectic society means having to juggle an incredible number of obligations, from work to children to relationships ...

Effective Fat Loss Tips For Women

If you struggle with fat and weight loss keeping reading about the most effective fat loss tips for women. Here are some effective fat loss tips for women.  Weight and effective fat loss is a battle that most women tend to have nowadays. But it’s not as hard as you can imagine. You can indeed effectively lost body fat naturally without ...

Top Fat Loss Myths Busted!

  A myth is any widely held belief or idea that a majority of people believe is a fact even though it isn’t.  Myths are either unproven or have proven not to work. If you are planning to shed some pounds, you may be tricked into believing what some ‘self-proclaimed’ health gurus tell you. While you might be tempted to ...

Lifting Weights: 5 Reasons Why It’s a Woman’s Best Friend

If you thought lifting weights was just for men, think again.  Read about these top 5 reasons why lifting weights is a woman's best friend. I constantly hear from clients, when asked about their fitness goals, that they want to lose weight.  Once I create their workout plan and they see the amount of weight lifting is included many immediately ...

5 Top Tips to Lose Body Fat

If you struggle to lose excess body fat, then check out these 5 top tips that will help you solve that.   Forget about weight loss! It’s a term that’s constantly being thrown around in the media, making it to the top choice for New Year resolutions every year. Instead focus on fat loss. What’s the difference you may ask? Here's ...