biker 9 results

FFFC Women Who Ride Series – Aixa Flanders

FFFC:  Please introduce yourself to our readers. AF:  Howdy y'all! I'm Aixa (pronounced Ah-eek-sah). My name is a head nod to my Panamanian roots. Very happy to share with you at the Femme Fatale Fit Club. FFFC:  How and why did you get started riding? AF:  I started cycling last year to prepare for my first triathlon, Iron Girl ...

FFFC Women Who Ride Series – Nicole Hairston

FFFC:  Please introduce yourself to our readers. ND:  My name is Nicole Hairston. I am a 40-year-old schoolteacher. FFFC:  How and why did you get started riding? ND:  My friend Beth Miller (my riding buddy) got me into riding.  I used to take kickboxing classes with Beth but her doctor told her she was no longer able to take ...

FFFC Women Who Ride Series – Cassandra Osborne

FFFC:  Please introduce yourself to our readers. CO:  Hello Femme Fitale Fit Club readers my name is Cassandra Osborne. FFFC:  How and why did you get started riding? CO:  I started riding because I needed to exercise and it also became a way to learn the city of Woodbridge, VA when I moved here in 2010. FFFC:  Which type of bike(s) do ...

FFFC Women Who Ride Series – Lisa Vaughn-Spence

FFFC:  Please introduce yourself to our readers. LV-S:  My name is Lisa Vaughan-Spence I am 42 years old and the mother of 2 children Anthony 22yrs old and Danielle 5.5 years old. FFFC:  How and why did you get started riding? LV-S:  After deciding I wanted a new challenge I decided to try my hand in the world of triath...

FFFC Women Who Ride Series – Robin Marion

FFFC:  Please introduce yourself to our readers. RM:  My name is Robin Marion FFFC:  How and why did you get started riding?  RM:  I started riding for cross training and a way to give me a break from the pavement pounding of running. I started riding on trails with my husband who is an avid biker. FFFC:  Which type of bike(s) do you ...

FFFC Women Who Ride Series – TaVona Boggs

FFFC:  Please introduce yourself to our readers. TB:  I am a born-again athlete.  I say that because I played sports throughout high school and most of college, fell off the wagon and found a love for health and fitness again through sports as an adult.   As a Physical Therapist with certification as an Exercise, Nutrition and Lifestyle ...

FFFC Women Who Ride Series – Lisa Williams

FFFC:  Please introduce yourself to our readers.          LW:  My name is Lisa Williams, I have been an avid cyclist for over 25 years.  I started competing in triathlons about 5 years ago and realized after about 3 years into it triathlon training that the only aspect of  training that I really loved was the cycling component.  So ...

FFFC Women Who Ride Series – Shylice Nelson

FFFC:  Please introduce yourself. SN:  My name is Shylice Nelson.  I am married and a mother of 2 girls age 8 and 5. I am a pharmaceutical sales rep and a beginner biker. FFFC:  How and why did you get started? SN:  My friend Lisa Vaughn-Spence came up with the crazy idea for us to do the Iron Girl triathlon. FFFC:  Which type of ...

FFFC Women Who Ride Series – Jen Tillman

FFFC:  Please introduce yourself to our readers. JT:  Hi there everyone.  My name is Jen Tillman.   Race name Tillmanator. FFFC:  How and why did you get started riding? JT:  I started mountain biking in '97 as I was finishing undergrad.   It was an attempt to improve my lifestyle and get active while being in the woods.  I was a ...