Let’s Get BOSU Strong – Week 2

Let's Get BOSUStrong Week 2

What’s up Femme Fitales?  How’s everyone feeling?  Last week we had a GREAT time with BOSU and Sweat Pink sharing how we are #BOSUStrong and this is the second week of this fitness fun.  If you missed last week’s info on what #BOSUStrong is all about, you can read all about it HERE.

We are now in Week 2 starting tomorrow so it’s all about BALANCE.  You feel me?

Remember, you can join the challenge whether or not you have a BOSU and I hope you do join – because there’s a chance you could win a BOSU just for participating.  There’s also other PRIZES you can win if you are one of the most active participants.

Answer this week’s daily prompts (listed below) on your blog, Instagram, Twitter or wherever else you want to share and hashtag #BosuStrong #FitFamily #sweatpink and tag BOSU (Instagram) BOSU (Twitter) & @FitApproach.   Hint, hint, the more you share (and the more places you share), the better your chances of winning! 

*Special note:  When participating in the challenge with a BOSU please do not stand on it with the dome side down as that is not considered proper form or utility of the equipment.  

**Another special note:  You do NOT need to own a BOSU to participate in this challenge but as previously mentioned you will have an opportunity to win one.  Keep reading and I share some discount information on the BOSU too. 

Let’s do this.  Then (copy/past/fill in/post) this challenge pledge called the “6 ways I stay balanced” to your blog, Instagram or Facebook.  Here’s mine and follow me on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter to see the daily prompts OR simply subscribe to this blog (right column under my photo) and come back daily to see the next day’s prompts.  It’s totally up to you.


If you forgot to join me last week for the #BOSUStrong challenge or just weren’t up for the cardio, make sure you join me this week as it’s all about the balance! We’re standing on one leg, lunging, and BOSU squatting our way through the week.

But balance means more than just being able to stand on one leg, it also means being able to do what you love while making healthy choices at the same time. It means putting in the work and still finding time for __________. Or eating the __________ but balancing it out with _________. Or _________ (workout) and ________ (workout) at home when you can’t make it to the gym.

Here are the 6 ways I stay balanced – what are yours?

  • I make time for myself by ____________________________.
  • My favorite me time is _____________________________.
  • My rule when it comes to a balanced diet is_______________________.
  • I make fitness a priority by ______________________________.
  • When I get stressed or overwhelmed, my go to is _________________________.
  • I do _______________________ to help my family stay balanced.


If you forgot to join me last week for the #BOSUStrong challenge or just weren’t up for the cardio, make sure you join me this week as it’s all about the balance! We’re standing on one leg, lunging, and BOSU squatting our way through the week.

But balance means more than just being able to stand on one leg, it also means being able to do what you love while making healthy choices at the same time. It means putting in the work and still finding time for family and myself. Or eating the best foods for my body but balancing it out with dessert treats here and there. Or running on the treadmill and lifting weights at home when you can’t make it to the gym.

Here are the 6 ways I stay balanced – what are yours?

  • I make time for myself by spending quiet time alone.
  • My favorite me time is in the wee hours of the morning running outside in my thoughts.
  • My rule when it comes to a balanced diet is workout hard and feed your body the good stuff.
  • I make fitness a priority by doing it first thing in the morning daily.
  • When I get stressed or overwhelmed, my go to is running sprints to get out all of the stress.
  • I do more at home with my family to help my family stay balanced.

So I want to know – are you #BOSUStrong? Copy and paste the above, fill it in and make it your own and then tag me in it (@FemmeFitaleFitClub – IG, @DSTPRL – Twitter) and share with your friends! Let’s all be #BOSUSTRONG.

The daily prompts are below. You can also follow along HERE.

Week 2, it’s all about that BALANCE (9/21-9/25):

(Make sure you tag @Bosu_Fitness on Instagram & @BosuFitness on Twitter):

Monday, 9/21: Happy Monday sweaties, this week we’re all about that balance. Let’s see you stand on one leg – ready, set, GO! #BosuStrong #SweatPink #FitFamily @Bosu_Fitness @FitApproach #ad


  • Bonus: Y’all know we love to #jumpjoymonday! Show us your BEST jump shot and tag @BOSU_Fitness @FitApproach #BOSUStrong #FitFamily #SweatPink #ad

9-21 #jumpjoymonday

Tuesday, 9/22: We want to see you #dropitlikeasquat…on your BOSU or perhaps one leg? #BosuStrong #SweatPink #FitFamily @Bosu_Fitness @FitApproach #ad


  • Bonus: It’s time for #treetuesday! Show us your best tree pose. @BOSU_Fitness @FitApproach #BOSUStrong #FitFamily #SweatPink #ad

9-22 treetues

Wednesday, 9/23: Let’s lunge it out sweaties! #BosuStrong #SweatPink #FitFamily @Bosu_Fitness @FitApproach #ad


  • Bonus: #workitwednesday, show us how you’re workin’ it this Wednesday and tag #BOSUstrong #FitFamily #SweatPink @Bosu_Fitness @FitApproach #ad


Thursday, 9/24:  It’s #totalbodythursday. Show us your favorite total body balance  move! #BOSUstrong #FitFamily #SweatPink @Bosu_Fitness @FitApproach #ad


  • Bonus: Give us a #tbt of a time when you really challenged your balance (feel free to get creative!) #BOSUstrong #FitFamily #SweatPink @Bosu_Fitness @FitApproach #ad



Friday, 9/25: #FreeFriday. Show us your favorite way to get your balance on! #BOSUstrong #FitFamily #SweatPink @Bosu_Fitness @FitApproach #ad


  • Bonus: Happy #forearmfriday. Let’s forearm plank it out y’all! #BOSUstrong #FitFamily #SweatPink @Bosu_Fitness @FitApproach #ad

9-`25 plank

Still on the fence about participating?  Well remember I did say they are offering PRIZES every week of the 4-week challenge?  Oh yes!  Each week of the 4 week long #BOSUStrong Challenge (from 9/14-10/9), they will be giving away a BOSU Balance Trainer to an engaged, active participant.

Chances to win refreshes every single week so if your name isn’t pulled week 1, keep participating because it just may be your lucky day!  GOOD LUCK! 

If you don’t already own a BOSU Ball for you or your children here’s a great offer from BOSU and Sweat Pink.

Purchase a BOSU Balance Trainer and get one of these two program downloads for FREE with discount code BOSUSWEATPINK15.

  • BOSU Total Body Basics
  • BOSU Core Basics

Purchase a BOSU Sport and get the BOSU Sport-Kids DVD for FREE with discount code BOSUSWEATPINK15.

Bosu Ball and Bosu Sport Kids announcement

This is a future challenge for the entire family to be a part of.  Stay tuned for further details.

Disclaimer: this post was sponsored by BOSU but all opinions expressed are my own. I truly appreciate all of the brands that support the Fit Approach (Sweat Pink) community.


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1 Reply to "Let's Get BOSU Strong - Week 2"

  • comment-avatar
    September 20, 2015 (8:03 pm)

    This has been a fun challenge! Looking forward to week 2