In The Gym with Gayna of FITnatic LIFEstyle


FFFC:  Please introduce yourself to our readers.

GFL:  Hello my name is Gayna, and I’d like to admit that I am not good at writing about myself (more of a vlogger) lol. I am 41 years of age and believe that you have the Heal From The Inside Out before you can change your physical self. I have been living a healthy lifestyle for longevity a little over 4 years. This was the best thing to have ever happened to me in my life. I am now a better person emotionally, mentally and physically.

FFFC:  How did you get interested in fitness?

GFL:  At the age of 37 I was diagnosed with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) which is what I call my, “rock bottom.” From that point forward I knew that the toxic self-sabotaging life I was living could no longer go on. I had to find another way to cope with my emotional health.

I first made an Instagram page to hold myself accountable by documenting my VERY transparent journey each day. This way I would be forced to log in and not quit on a goal as I did so many times before. I began with walking and gradually worked my way up to joining a gym about 6 months into my journey. I ended up meeting my fit sister who introduced me to lifting weight, and it was on from there. I loved the feeling of feeling strong and able to do what the fellas do…I know it sounds so cliché but it’s true. Then in 2014, I decided for my 40th birthday I wanted to compete as a bodybuilder.

In August of 2015, I stepped on stage as an NPC Figure Competitor and placed 3rd in Open, 4th in Master and 5th in Grandmasters. It was not my intent on winning a trophy, but rather graduating by completing the goal. The journey to the stage was rough mentally, emotionally and physically. It required me to trust the process to progress, have patience and dedication. September 9, 2015, I left my full time job and became a full time entrepreneur and haven’t looked back since.

Gayna FitNatic Lifestyle

FFFC:  What prompted you to focus on helping others with their fitness?

GFL:  Honestly it was always my calling I believe. However, I allowed fear to keep me from stepping out on faith and following my dream. I would receive emails and social media messages daily asking for help. My story is one of a woman who has walked in a lot of shoes. To sum it up, I have experienced a loss of a child, physical and mental abuse, suicide attempt, depression and low self-esteem. I want others to know that you can survive and heal if you want to, but you will have to surrender by being vulnerable and honest with yourself. Working on the exterior self isn’t the key to “fixing” the problem.

FFFC:  What do you like most about what you do?

GFL:  Engaging with people from all over the world. Having clients from 30 to 82 years of age shape shifting right before my eyes. To know I can help people turn their frown upside down as they see their results.

FFFC:  What is your favorite exercise routine?

GFL:  Total Body Workout (3 sets of 10-15).  Arnold Press, Lat Pulldown, Walking Lunges, Reverse Crunch, Arc Trainer

FFFC:  What do you consider the most useful workout equipment?

GFL:  Dumbbells because they can be used for a variety of exercises. Machines allow one motion in one specific movement pattern to place load on one muscle or muscle group.

FFFC:  What types of services do you provide?

GFL:  Personal, Online, Nutritional

Gayna FitNatic Lifestyle

FFFC:  Which fitness levels do you typically work with?

GFL:  All

FFFC:  What do you think is the biggest misconception about this field and what you do?

GFL:  That you can spot reduce body fat. That there is a one size fit all style of coaching.

FFFC:  What general tips do you have for the average woman balancing family, career with health and fitness?


  1. You have to put yourself on your calendar (block out time).
  2. You don’t need a gym membership to get fit. You can get in a great workout from the comfort of your own home. I do suggest investing in 5-10lb dumbbells, resistance loop bands and yoga mat.
  3. Invest in a digital food scale and prep your meals for the week will save you time, frustration and fail proof because you will not have an excuse of saying, “I don’t know what to eat.”
  4. Baby steps, do not compare your journey with anyone else. Learn that you will feel results before you see results.


FFFC:  Do you have any special events coming up?

GFL:  Not at this time but very soon. Stay tuned to my website

FFFC:  How can our readers learn more about your services?


FFFC:  Where can our readers find you on social media?




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2 Replies to "In The Gym with Gayna of FITnatic LIFEstyle"

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    Sana October 13, 2016 (12:54 pm)

    Amazing transformation! I’m looking forward to following along on your social media platforms!

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    Alax Hopper September 26, 2017 (11:38 am)

    Well I will never be training for one of those but you look amazing. Didn’t realize that you did those. Good luck with the next one! Looking forward to seeing the pics