#FitnessFriday – Running

#FitnessFriday Weekly Workout Recap

In this week’s edition of #FitnessFriday I did a lot of running on the treadmill.  I did speed intervals along with incline intervals to UP my heart rate and let me just say that did not disappoint.  Due to changing schedules I am unable to get out to Sanders Optimum Fitness Boot Camp in the morning to workout with my fitness fam and I am really BUMMED about it.

Fortunately they offer an online boot camp so I signed up for that for just $29 for 4 weeks.  As long as I have Internet, I can access it anywhere in the WORLD!  If you are interested in signing up just click HERE to learn more.

On my YouTube channel I recorded 2 videos.


I get asked a lot about the workout equipment I use so both of these videos shares that information.  And before I go on with my workout week please subscribe to my YouTube channel ——> subscribe.

Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links.


We had another wonderful Saturday of sprints at Sanders Optimum Fitness Boot Camp in person.  We started with a one mile warm up in 10 minutes and then worked our abs with over 2000 ab reps.  We work HARD!!!  For some reason I have no pictures from that day as far as the calories burned, etc. but just know the workout was rigorous!!!  Good but rigorous.


Monday was a date with the treadmill and it did not disappoint.  I decided to run on there for 30 minutes which I haven’t done in AGES and I was very proud of myself.  I hung in there.



Tuesday same thing, I worked it out on the treadmill and this time I incorporated an incline interval workout.  I thought I was going to fly off the back of that thing!  LOL.


In other news, we continued with our #LunchBoxRollCall on Facebook and Instagram this week and due to such hectic morning schedules I managed to show off one of my lunches so far this week.   Bladah!  I will admit – all of the raw food (i.e. kale salad, green juice and cut fruit) was DELICIOUS!  It totally changed my taste buds from wanting to eat the cooked food.   Honestly, I am a decent cook but that beef stew was overcooked so I cooked all the flavor out of it.  It was not good so I threw it out.  Fortunately the raw food kept me full at work.




Wednesday I did a 20-minute treadmill incline walk warm up and then bust out the hand weights and I am still feeling it.  I did chest presses, chest flyes, deadlifts, bicep curls and weighted squats.  OUCH!

Bench and weights



I was a bad girl – I went to bed late (after midnight) so I slept in.  I will definitely make it up next week.

I am linking up with the lovely ladies of the #FitnessFriday Link Up (Britt from The Pinnacle Project, Danielle from Ok Dani, and KLP from SavingOurStrands) so check them out over at their blogs and pop in and join us and share your awesome workout week recaps.

Fitness Friday
This post is also linked up to Fit and Fashionable Friday by Fitful Focus – hop on over to check out her blog and awesome linkup.
Fitful Focus


This week my job handed out 2,000 Fitbit Flex activity trackers for their “Commit To Be Fit” challenge that goes from February to May.  I’m on the wellness committee at work and I am in hog heaven and love participating.  That put me in the mindset of trackers since I was asked many questions this week about what I use/wear and what I recommend.  There are a lot out there so you really have to figure out which features are very important to you.

8 Replies to "#FitnessFriday - Running"

  • comment-avatar
    February 6, 2015 (10:43 am)

    I love eating raw food for lunch too. Big salada w veggies and nuts make me feel great

  • comment-avatar
    February 6, 2015 (12:53 pm)

    I’ve been all about those treadmill runs too lately- want to break out the ActivMotion Bar this weekend though 🙂

  • comment-avatar
    February 6, 2015 (2:39 pm)

    You are always so dedicated! Go you!!!
    Also, your work GAVE you a fitbit?! That’s AWESOME! My sister just gave me a jawbone and I’ve been really into tracking my sleep!
    Thanks for supporting the #fitnfashionable link up! Love having you 🙂

    • comment-avatar
      February 6, 2015 (3:14 pm)

      Thanks Nicole. I passed on mine because I got a Fitbit Charge via FitFluential so they gave mine to someone else at work. It’s cool.

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    Mandie February 6, 2015 (4:41 pm)

    Great post! Since you\’re talking trackers, did you know that you can link a tracker to your Walgreens/Duane Reade account? And Fitbit is donating to Feed America in exchange for the calories we burn? I wrote a blog about it (follow my website link to go straight to it)!

    • comment-avatar
      February 6, 2015 (5:10 pm)

      I don’t do Walgreens but I did sign up for the Feed America campaign. Thanks for stopping by.

  • comment-avatar
    February 7, 2015 (3:45 pm)

    Hey girl hey! I hadn’t seen your action bar video yet. I have one. Really I have no excuse not to be in amazing shape. It’s USING what I have consistently that’s the problem!

    • comment-avatar
      February 7, 2015 (3:51 pm)

      Hey EbonyCPrincess!!! You have one of these ActivMotion Bars? Which weight do you have? Don’t you just love it? I’ll put together another video with some more exercises that I did with it. Girl we are gonna be in amazing shape – stick with me.