Take your endurance, heart health and fat burning to the next level by following these seven strategies that will enhance your high intensity interval training sessions.

High-intensity interval training is a great way to burn fat, calories and to get the heart pumping. A vigorous workout is not a piece of cake, and not everyone can thoroughly follow the routine. So, if you are one of those who want to make the training session even more fruitful, then keep reading.
Here are seven effective strategies to get better results from high-intensity interval training.
Take your endurance, heart health and fat burning to the next level by following these seven strategies that will enhance your high intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions. #hiittraining #hiitforwomen #athomeworkout #homegym #womenshealth
How Are You Eating To Fuel Your High Intensity Interval Training?
You can train all you want, but if you do not scrutinize what goes inside your body, your efforts are in vain. Energy is 70% nutrition so be sure you are eating for optimum energy to fuel your interval training sessions.
Researchers recommend that you not eat right before your intense training. You should eat at an hour or hour and half prior to the session. Furthermore, your meals should mostly consist of carbs and proteins.
Carbs will fuel the workout and protein will help keep you feeling full.
You can’t exercise if your body is low on fuel. You need the energy to provide you the power.
Minimize The Period Of Your Intervals
Do not make the mistake of taking long pauses in between intervals.. Your rest or recovery intervals should be as short as you can endure. You need adequate rest to continue; however, taking more extended periods of rest will only make your body lose its momentum and lower your heart lower than the intensity you want to maintain.
It takes about 20 minutes for your body to get into the training routine. It is after this period of time you start burning calories from fat.
Therefore, you must prevent your heart rate dropping too low otherwise the calorie burn and efficiency of your training session may not remain as high you want.
You know your body better than anyone. Your body is different from everyone so if you feel like your body can’t withstand the intensive training intensity, then modify it.
You don’t want to overtax your body. You could experience adverse effects if you do like burn out and possibly even injury.
Take things slow if especially in the beginning.
Your Shoes Can Make Or Break Your Workout Routine
Two important things one should have before starting a HIIT routine is dedication and HIIT shoes. These are inseparable friends. None can work without the other. If you have great shoes but zero commitment, it won’t work.
If you are passionate and highly dedicated to the cause, you can’t workout till you buy good shoes.
Quality and breathable gym clothes, water bottles, and other items are also essential.
Make sure you are wearing quality shoes when performing HIIT. You can also try insanity trainers if you like.
Whichever shoes you choose they should be the right size, fitted, with excellent cushioning, and made of soft material with a fair amount of ventilation. Your sneakers can augment your HIIT, or it can worsen your experience.
Prepare Your Body For High Intensity Interval Training
Do not misjudge the importance of a good warm-up exercise. No matter how much experience you have with HIIT warm ups are necessary to prepare your brain and body of what’s to come.
Warming up helps to make sure your body is ready for the intensity.
Here’s how, practice some light exercises that put you in the mood, and build the tempo, so you can smoothly transition from an inactive body to an active body without causing harm to yourself.
Relax and Rest
Like food that provides you with the fuel for your body to function, rest and adequate sleep are equally important for your body to function optimally when performing HIIT.
Don’t perform HIIT workouts back to back. Allow a day or two of rest in between. Also plan to get six to eight hours of sleep every night so your body has the necessary rest.
Only when you get a good amount of sound sleep would you be able to wake up with a fresh mind and an energized body that will stimulate you to perform better during the high-intensity interval training.
Train When You Feel Like It
Your body is always telling you something. Trust your intuitions, and know when to listen to it.
Therefore, if your body is demanding you to skip a day then do it. You don’t want to overtrain which could lead to burn out, lack of progress and possible injury.
It is entirely different to skip your training because you felt lazy.
Final Word
High-intensity interval training raises your heart rate and requires every ounce of energy you have. This makes it very challenging and physically demanding.
Incorporate these seven strategies to take your HIIT training sessions to the next level for optimal fitness and effectiveness.
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