month : 09/2017 6 results

The Power Of A Fitness Community

We often put a lot of pressure on ourselves to achieve our fitness goals, which should be the case since it is an individual accomplishment. However, it is as important, if not more, to surround yourself with others that want you to reach your fitness goals as much as you do. The slightest support or motivation from others can make the ...

The Pros And Cons Of A Home Gym

Like many people who are thinking about getting fit, you might be considering exercising in a gym. Another great option is working out in your own home gym. The fact having a home gym is becoming increasingly popular these days, as a lot of people just don’t have the time to go to a box gym, and feel more comfortable working out at home. Gym ...

How to Warm Up Before Exercising

  Do you warm up? When it comes to exercising such as weight training, strength training, cardio, calisthenics, cross-training, running, cycling, or any other form of physical activity for that matter, the warm up is, without question, one of the most important things you should do, and for good reason. We all know how beneficial physical ...

10 Critical Things To Know About Exercise

Want to know some critical things you need to know about exercise?  Keep reading. Numerous people begin exercising without performing some important activities first.  They plunge into exercise eagerly, unaware that they may be setting themselves up for injury if they don’t perform these important activities before starting B...

7 Amazing Exercises for a Full Body Workout

Try these 7 amazing total body exercises that won't require any equipment, just body weight. As you can imagine, there are so many exercises and variations, it’s sure to make you dizzy but don’t fret, we have compiled a list of some of the most effective total body exercises. You will find that these exercises have a lot in common such as ...

What You Need to Know About the Ketogenic Diet

If you have considered the ketogenic diet be sure to read this before starting. What is a ketogenic diet? Keto, ketogenic, ketosis…these are all words that you may have heard recently. What exactly is a keto diet? Simply put, a ketogenic diet is a way of eating that includes a low amount of carbohydrates, a moderate amount of proteins, and ...