day : 13/12/2013 3 results

31 Days to New Year’s Eve December Challenge – Day 13

It's Day 13 of the December challenge and BOY what a response.  We have over 97 people registered and ACTIVE with this challenge.  In case you missed it this is a squat and ab daily challenge with rest days built in.  It is amazing and will help us firm up our derriere and abs!  What a great combination. Today is Day 13 and that means 130 ...

I’m A Sweat Pink Ambassador!

  I just love the concept and this site.  They are called Fit Approach and all about empowering women to be their BEST fit selves possible.  I was visiting some other fitness bloggers when I would see the badge and had to understand what that was.  I applied to be an ambassador and VOILA my introduction is now published on their ...

How a Light Switch, and other Household Items, Can Help You Lose Weight

When I was 19, I could eat whatever I wanted and not worry about the intake of calories. Fast-forward a couple decades and those “glory days” are long over.  However, losing weight isn’t as difficult as it may seem. Even common household items you have in your house right now can help you burn calories and lose weight without ever ...