day : 22/07/2012 4 results

Join our Private FFFC Group on FB

I started a fairly new group on Facebook named Femme Fitale Fit Club where we have ladies from all over helping to inspire and keep each other accountable for working out and/or moving to remain healthy beings. Feel free to spread the word and request to join if interested by clicking on the link below.

Pre 30 Day No Refined Sugar Challenge

Does this remind anyone of a recent challenge?

My Playlist

I don't know about you but I need motivation constantly while working out so fast beats and bass keeps me revved up and going.  This is the latest music I am listening to while performing cardio.  Post what's on your playlist.

Femme Fitale Does Youtube

I look a little crazy in the video (hey I work full time) but please enjoy and SHARE with family and friends.  :-)