weight loss tips 8 results

How Sleep Can Impact The Weight Loss Process

Learn all of the affects sleep can have on your weight loss. Are you one of those people who says they will start working out tomorrow or do you start immediately? Whether you are doing it to be healthier or to improve your physique, it can be challenging to adopt new habits and start fresh. Because weight loss results might not come right ...

What Is Hormonal Belly Fat And How To Fix It

If you are dealing with persistent hormonal belly fat it could be due to hormones so let’s discuss it. Are you eating right consistently but your belly won’t go down?  Are you exercising and doing HIIT cardio like the pros recommend and the waistline isn’t budging?  You could be dealing with hormonal belly fat. Join our ...

7 Fast Weight Loss Tips If You Weigh 200 Pounds Or More

If you weigh 200 pounds or more, here's how you can begin to lose that excess weight fast. Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. When you think of quick weight loss, you assume it means sweating it out at the gym and munching on celery sticks! But you ...

5 Behaviors Stunting Your Weight Loss

For many effective weight loss is never going to be easy.  One basically has to completely alter the way that they live their life. Nutrition is a major factor of effective weight loss.  Your lifestyle has to change too. And although it might sound straightforward to just eat different things, it’s a real struggle for most people. To lose ...

Amazing Instagram Weight Loss Transformations

I don’t know about you but I love looking at amazing weight loss transformations on Instagram.  I enjoy it because it highlights the dedication and commitment of these individuals which is incredible. I find that even though these are different individuals and/or couples, they all have a few things in common: They made up their mind ...

Featured Fitale – Kiona Cornwell

Please introduce yourself to our readers (i.e. your name, occupation, hobbies, etc.). Hi I’m Kiona. What sparked your weight-loss transformation journey? Shortly after I saw pictures of myself back in February I decided to make a lifestyle change.  After a lot of research keto was the best for me.   Keto is easy to follow and was good ...

Why You Aren’t Losing Weight Working Out

Are you working out hard regularly and still aren’t losing weight?  Find out what might be the culprit. If you are working out hard in the gym or at home and making better nutrition choices it can be frustrating when you don’t see movement on the scale, your clothes are still fitting tightly or your measurements are the same or increa...

Losing Weight 5 Surprising Reasons Why You’re Not

If you've been struggling along your fitness journey here are 5 surprising reasons you're not losing weight. Have you been working hard at losing weight and shedding off those extra pounds that you've been carrying? Have you been following a strict diet and an exercise routine that promises effective weight loss? Many times, however good the ...