recovery 3 results

How To Improve Performance With A Plant-Based Diet

Discover how plant-based diets for athletes can boost performance and enhance recovery in our comprehensive guide. There's a common misconception that a vegan diet lacks the nutrients necessary for building muscle and sustaining high-level athletic performance. However, this is far from the truth. Plant-based diets can indeed provide all ...

Recovery Tips for Gym Newbies

Every beginning tends to be hard and this fact is very well known to the gym newcomers who are facing post-workout muscle soreness, or the Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) how experts like to call it. But, while DOMS can be great achievement indicator proving that philosophy of “No pain, no gain”, no matter how old it may seem, makes ...

I is for I.C.E.

  I.C.E. is the typical combination for anyone with an injury that requires recuperation.   I = Ice – the cold helps muscles constrict and alleviates pain and swelling.  If a body party is injured it typically swells and this helps to better manage that.  C = Compression - Sqeeze baby…….constrict the burdened area so ...