day : 08/07/2012 4 results

Tour Of My Vegetable Garden

Today I decided to make a quick video to tour you through my vegetable and herb garden.  I planted these back in mid-May 2012 and they are coming along slowly yet nicely.  Can you say "HOME GROWN"?  Please leave a comment telling me what you are growing in your garden. Related ...

My Iced Tea

At the market I purchased some Goji Berry, Blueberry, Pomegranate green tea.  It smelled delicious and looked beautiful.  I mean it had this cobalt blue flecks in the tea which made me want to buy it.  I followed the directions on the package to make my own iced tea. Step 1:  I steeped the tea in a bunch of boiling water Step 2:  I let the ...

More Pictures from Farmers Market

I plan to go next Sunday by 7:30 am to get a good parking spot and out there before the masses show up!

My Trek to the Baltimore Farmers Market

I am having a great day.  No let restate differently - I am having an awesome day.  Wanna know why?  Because I had a FANTASTIC time at 8:20 am this morning at the farmers market.  I have been hearing about it and wanting to go for some time but 1.  Did not know where it was located and 2.  Never made time for it. I went today with my cousin ...