5 Top Tips to Reduce Cellulite Naturally

If you are dealing with annoying cellulite lumps on your thighs, buttocks and legs here are 5 tried and true tips to help reduce the look of cellulite naturally #cellulitebuster #cellulite #womenshealth #weightlossforwomen

I have been getting a lot of questions about how to reduce and/or get rid of the look of cellulite especially on the thighs and buttocks.  First let me say it won’t be easy but these 5 top tips will help reduce the look of cellulite and replace it with nice smooth, lump-free skin.

What is cellulite?

Simply put, cellulite occurs when fat deposits push through the connective tissue beneath the skin giving the skin a dimpled and cottage cheese appearance on the surface.  It can affect both men and women but is more common in women as it affects 80% to 90% of women and about 10% of men.

Now that you have the generic definition of what cellulite is and who is impacts let’s discuss how to reduce the look of cellulite NATURALLY.

Tip #1:  Reduce overall body fat

This may seem obvious or not but reduce overall body fat.  As you read, cellulite is fat pushing through connective tissue, reduce the fat with your nutrition and exercise and it should result in the reduction of its visbility.

Tip #2: Dry brushing to fight cellulite

Dry brush the areas impacted with it to improve circulation as well as to release toxins captured in the fat cells causing it.  Then hop into the warm shower afterwards.  Perform this daily and over time your visible cellulite should reduce.

Tip #3:  Eat real food

Eat nutrient dense foods in other words REAL FOOD.  When you over consume processed and fast food typically there are excess calories which gets stored by the body in the fat cells which cause cellulite.

Real food contains the nutrients, vitamins, minerals and fiber the body needs which will help you stay fuller longer, reduce body fat and help reduce cellulite.

Tip #4:  Resistance training

You know this one is coming, add resistance training to your weekly workout plan.  The more lean muscle you have on your body the more fat you burn at a resting state.

The less fat you have the likelihood of cellulite is greatly minimized.  Start off with body weight exercises and once you feel stronger incorporate light to moderate weights.

Once you have been at it a while and ready to advance, move up to heavier weights.  Coupled with cardio, it will be on its way to minimization in no time.

Tip #5:  Drink more water

Drink at least 2 liters (about 74 oz) of water daily which helps flush out toxins and waste from the body.  Toxins are held in the fat cells and increase the size of them.  Flush them out and it will help reduce the look of cellulite on those trouble areas.

Don’t think you can drink that much water?  Infuse it with fruit and herbs to give it a nice refreshing flavor such as cucumber, strawberries, pineapple, mint, lime or lemon (just to name a few).

Purple premium infusion water bottle with drink tracker

BONUS:  Natural homemade cellulite treatment

Coffee Scrub


1 part coconut oil

1 part brown sugar

1 part ground coffee (with caffeine)


Mix all ingredients together and voila it’s ready to use.  Use while in the shower on the trouble areas.  It is effective because the caffeine in the coffee helps dehydrate the fat cells making the cellulite less visible.

Incorporate these top 5 tips into your daily routine and over time you should experience the reduction of visible cellulite on your thighs and buttocks.  Try them out and let me know how it works for you.

Leave your tip in comments below on how to reduce the look of cellulite?

Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links.

If you are dealing with annoying cellulite lumps on your thighs, buttocks and legs here are 5 tried and true tips to help reduce the look of cellulite naturally #cellulitebuster #cellulite #womenshealth #weightlossforwomen

2 Replies to "5 Top Tips to Reduce Cellulite Naturally"

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    RO plants July 20, 2018 (2:19 am)

    I really don’t know how to reduce cellulite? but after reading your article I got all the correct information. You are really a genius. Thank you so much for share this post.

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    Microsoft Dynamics 365  November 2, 2018 (6:22 am)

    Amazing post about the top tips to reduce the look of cellulite naturally, this is an amazing information for all, thanks for sharing…