Crisco 2 results

FFFC January Challenges: Everything But The Kitchen Sink

January is a wonderful month you know why?  Because everything feels like a big do-over!  You get to start the year off right and fresh.  It is also the month people tend to recommit to a healthy way of living.  Promises abound rededicating to exercise, eating right and cutting out or at least minimizing the bad habits picked up over time, ...

FFFC #Challenge #24: No fried foods

This week's challenge is no fried foods Monday - Friday.  That means no french fries, fried chicken, fried zucchini, fried mushrooms or anything cooked in high heat with batter in any kind of oil such as olive oil, sunflower oil, peanut oil, canola oil, Crisco, etc. Your arteries will thank us.  You can have food that is steamed, broiled, ...