activity 5 results

The Ultimate Guide To Getting More Movement Daily

Easily incorporate more movement into your daily routine by following the suggestions in this guide. Do you find yourself sitting for hours on end, barely moving throughout the day? If you're looking to inject more movement into your daily routine, you're in the right place. This ultimate guide will equip you with practical tips and ...

How to Get 10,000 Steps A Day

Check out these creative ways to accumulate 10,000 steps a day and how to track them. Why do you try to get your 10,000 steps in a day? Is it just for the challenge and satisfaction of accomplishment? Maybe you love to get in your daily workout and like tracking your progress. Regardless of which category you’re in, tracking your ...

5 Tips to Keep You Fit During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is indeed the most wonderful time of the year but it is also a busy time filled with extra calorie-laden food so it can be a challenge to stay fit during this season.  Follow these 5 effective tips to help you stay on your fitness journey during the holidays. The 5 tips are: Keep it fun Create a day-by-day ...

Why Sitting Is More Harmful For Your Health Than Smoking

  We have all been made aware of how harmful smoking is to our health but very few of us are aware that extensive sitting day in and day out can be even more harmful than smoking. A new study was recently published showing that those who lead a primarily sedentary lifestyle had higher mortality rates than those who smoke. [Tweet ...

Fitbit Flex Review Coming Soon!

Hubby came in the house last week with a new package from Best Buy.  I peek in and lo and behold he purchased a Fitbit Flex Activity and Sleep Wristband.  He was pretty excited and since he has had a chance to use it while asleep, in the shower, at work, in the gym and even in the car he gave me some feedback which might be helpful to anyone ...