month : 05/2018 3 results

My New Matrix TF30 Treadmill by Johnson Fitness

I enjoy running outdoors but sometimes weather doesn’t always permit such as when its raining or there’s ice on the ground.  And let’s face it, even though I have a gym membership I sometimes get a little lazy and don’t feel like driving out to the gym that’s when an at-home treadmill comes in right on time. [Tweet "Learn all ...

How To Keep Germs at Bay While At The Gym

Dislosure:  This post is sponsored by Kleenex but the content and opinions expressed here are my own. Let’s face it, as a personal trainer and someone who trains I enjoy going to the gym.  The gym has a wider variety of equipment, the weights can get very heavy, there is a sauna, and awesome cardio equipment that I don’t have at ...

How To Get Lean With Protein

Disclaimer:  This post is sponsored by AllWhites but the content and opinions expressed here are my own. Out of all the macros, a lot of attention tends to go to carbohydrates but one should not forget protein which is an extremely important macronutrient.  Protein is the building block of muscle.  And the more muscle one has walking ...