day : 16/10/2013 2 results

Where You Can Find Femme Fitale Fit Club

I thought it made sense to make a single post listing all of the Social Media outlets where you can find Femme Fitale Fit Club content.  After writing this down I am actually surprised at how much we actually have out there!  We are so happy and pleased that you have chosen to make us a part of your daily/weekly/monthly lives.  We are here to ...

LoveHate and Week In Review – 10/7 – 10/12

This is the perfect name for this week in review because I was LAZY and did not workout for the majority of the week.  Yeah not good and I could tell I didn't workout.  You know how?  I was crabby.  Crabby feeling and crabby acting to many others this past week - NOT GOOD.  When I workout (lift and run) I am much happier.  It gives me ...